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School Social Worker & McKinney-Vento Liaison

North Carolina Cyber Academy

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Twala Timmons

I am a native of a southeastern county in the state of Georgia. I am married with two amazing children. I have over 19 years of varied experience in social work with a diverse population of children and families. During that time, I assessed and addressed the needs as well as the interactions between students, families, school personnel, and the community. Also, I provided direct services such as individual and group counseling, dropout prevention, crisis intervention and response, conducted home visits, and coordinated school and community services. In addition, I served as an advocate for students and their families. I consulted and collaborated with stakeholders on behalf of students and their families so the appropriate referrals/resources are provided.


In addition, I assisted individuals with overcoming barriers to employment which may include domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health issues, medical issues, lack of education, poverty, etc. In addition, I assisted individuals with locating and maintaining stable housing for their family. By providing case management and counseling to families, they were able to become self-sufficient and have a productive life in society.

(984) 208 - 6703  |

School social workers bring unique knowledge and skills to NCCA and are an integral part of the student services team. NCCA social workers provide a link between home, school, and community by providing direct and indirect services to students, families and school personnel. They advocate, promote, and support students' academic success by eliminating barriers that may impact student learning.


Attendance Interventions

McKinney-Vento Case Management

Holiday Assistance

Eye Exam Services  & Eye Glasses 

Brief Individual Therapy

Telephone & Internet Services Assistance

Food & Clothing Assistance

Rent & Mortgage Assistance

Group Sessions

Crisis Intervention

Utility Assistance


Kids with Backpacks

Backpack Buddies is sponsored by  Inter-Faith Food Shuttles, provides groceries on a biweekly basis to  Elementary students only in the local area. 

Participation in this program requires being  within driving distance to the NCCA Durham office, in order to pick up your biweekly meals. Families that participate  will be given enough food to last 2 weeks. If you are interested in this program, please use the link below to sign up.

Eating Breakfast

There is an option to complete the cooking matters course at your own pace by watching the recording each week, this option requires you to take pictures of each prepared dish in order to receive the $60 Food Lion Gift Card. For middle and elementary School students an adult will need to provide permission and also participate in the weekly sessions with their student.

Volunteers Packing Food

NCCA’s food pantry is sponsored by Inter-Faith Food Shuttles, the pantry is for all students within driving distance to the NCCA Durham office in order to pick up your groceries. If you are interested in this program, please reach out to Mrs. Timmons (School Social Worker).







Assorted Pumpkins

This program is sponsored by Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, which offers families the opportunity to grow food right in their very own homes. Grow kits are pre-packaged with all of the materials needed to successfully grow food at home. All you need is a window seal or a small amount of backyard space to grow your plant. There are also instructions inside the kits and you will also have access to a google classroom with instruction and interactive videos to help you grow your plant.


Canned Goods

Sponsored by Inter-Faith Food Shuttles offers a 6 week virtual cooking course, preparing delicious meals with a live chef and nutritionist. If you are interested in this program please complete the form below. You have the option to pre-purchase the items for each class and prepare the meal along with the chef or you are welcome to simply watch the demonstration. Once you complete the requirements for the class, you will receive a $60 Food Lion Gift Card.


Yellow Stationery Set

School supplies are readily available to NCCA students thanks to numerous community partners. If your NCCA enrolled student is in need of school supplies, use the link above at any time,  to request supplies.








Homeless Assistance

In January of 2002, Congress authorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to assist families and youth experiencing homelessness. This Act entitles children who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence to a free, appropriate education and requires schools to remove barriers to their enrollment, attendance and success in school.

Stone Road
Bag of fabrics

Requesting Services

If you feel that you or your family may qualify for McKinney-Vento services please contact: 


Twala Timmons

Social Worker | McKinney - Vento Liaison

(984) 208 - 6703


For additional support and resources, please contact:


Lisa Phillips

Director of Homeless Education in NC

State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children &Youth

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

(336) 543 - 4285


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